September 2022 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday September 1st, 2022 at the Lakeview Country Club at NOON.

Members present: Alissa Miller (President), Shyla Hadley (Vice-President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Tammy O’Donnell (Secretary), Jade Boggs, Trish Barth, Josey Madler, Steve Zachmann, Jodi Varner, Dean Wang, Dominick Vergara, and Vaughn Zenko.

Staff Present:  Melissa Higbee, Executive Director

Alissa called meeting to order at 12:05pm.

Vaughn made a motion to approve the minutes and Josey 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report: Melissa stated we added another member this month. Prairie Fuels is a member now. The Chamber had a float in the parade which was a lot of fun. I used past Calcutta decorations to decorate the float and passed out items that I found in the basement for good prizes. I purchased $40 worth of candy and still ran out of candy before it was over.  I helped out and did the talk around town for Karol while she was gone. Vaughn made it fun so it wasn’t too bad. I have figured out how to put the logo on the membership in the website and link it to their website. I will work on that as time allows. The rest will be in the chamber agenda.

Rec Director Report: Melissa reported this section with Alissa Millers help.

Programs currently are Fall Soccer, Flag Football, and Preschool Sports. Alissa Miller stated she is helping with Preschool Sports.

Alissa also stated we have Casey Varner coaching the older group in Flag Football this year which will be good.

Fall Festival- We are still looking for Dunk Tank Participates if interested let us know.

Safe Sitter- The Rec Dept will be offering a Safe Sitter course for ages 11 and up to getting their babysitting certification.


Guest: Dominick Vergara introduced himself to give the members an idea of what he stands for and how excited he is to be the new principle at Baker High School. He has lots of fun ideas and would like to partner with the Rec Department in certain programs like Flag Football.


Old Business:


Fall Festival Update: Getting Bouncy Houses from Miles City. Mid-Rivers is sponsoring the activities with a $750 grant. The chamber received an EMEDA Advertising grant to help promote the Fall Festival for $1,000. Bank of Baker is sponsoring radio time as well. O’Fallon Museum will be doing pumpkin painting and Reynolds is donating the pumpkins again this year! Ducks are here and duck tickets are ready to be sold. I have a stack if you’re interested in helping sell them. Fall Festival Vendors are coming in. We have 16 vendors so far. We will have bales of straw this year staggered around for people to sit on. Prairie Fuels will deliver them day off. Then we will sell them afterwards. Sign up list pass around. Flyers need to be hung up still.

Lucas Meschke Broken Club Memorial- Donations are coming in. Sign-ups are at the Golf Course and Here. Spread the word!


Calcutta- Tickets are available. Please see Melissa if you are interested in coming the tickets are $140 for 2 Dinners and 4 Drinks.

New Business:

Baker Jam Dates: March 11th -12th 2023 attentively.

Other New Business:  Moonlight Madness is coming up do we have a date. October 13th 2022 will be the date for Moonlight Madness.

Reports from Members: 

Vaughn Zenko reports he his exciting news that the Baker Child Care Project is officially on the ballots for the November election. Baker is getting a lot of attention from other cities and states for the way we are trying to solve the childcare issue in Fallon County. Vaughn stated he addressed the letter to the editor so that clarification is made about the Childcare facility. He also was a Re-Imagining Rural Seminar participant for like 3 min and people began contacting him about the Housing Co-Op Baker is developing. The Housing Co-Op just needs to finalize by-laws and they will be an official organization. Another exciting thing happening, Vaughn will be one of 3 presenters at the Re-Imagining Rural Workshop and has been asked to speak at the MNA Conference in Helena. On another note, the BSB building is close to being finish so the Junction 39 can move in and start their business. Just waiting on Kruger’s Windows. Vaughn stated as long as the contractor for the ADA entrance is hired and on the books for coming to get the ADA completed the ladies can open without this completed. Vaughn stated on behalf of the KFLN the volleyball doesn’t have sponsors so this will not be aired on KLFN unless we get some sponsors to pay for that.

Jodi Varner had one question. Why can’t we mail in the Rec registrations? Alissa stated that classes fill up fast when we have a cap on some classes. Parents are upset when they mail it but the spot is full.

Steve Zachmann reported the city watermain from the wells have been DEQ approved to 4th watermain replacement finally. This Fall we hope to have the project done but gave them until June. Paving by the Catholic Church has been a project Wyrick Construction has been working on and is fixed now. Potholes are starting to get repaired as well. The crack by the old lumber yard on Milwaukee is getting repaired. Looking into the cost-of-living increase for employees. We need a new garbage truck, but they run about $400,000 or better. Zoning update for the downtown commercial district with a conditional use of apartments above downtown businesses. Shipping Containers rules have been updated for short-term usage. Area from Youth Center to Rise Fitness will be zoned multi-use. MMIA will be doing a child abuse safety class for the City of Baker in October.

Karol Zachmann reported FMC will be holding a 5K the morning of the Fall Festival. Chamber meeting next month will be at the Fairgrounds to support the Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon. Taking Donations at this luncheon.

Josey Madler reported she is decorating for Fall.

Shyla Hadley reported the fair was a success. Most notable was that Jordan Davis shot a video will here in Baker. This year the online sales were the best sales yet.

EPEDC reported the GTA grant deadline is September 12th. Place Making Grant Deadline is September 16th.

Steve commented that a lady gave Baker a great compliment of how pretty are area is on pictures from friends on Facebook. So that really nice to get such a nice compliment from someone who has never been here.


Adjournment: Trish made a motion to adjourn at 1:08pm and Tammy 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.


**Next Meeting Thursday October 6th, 2022 at NOON at the Fallon County Fairgrounds**



