April 2022 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - April 7, 2022, Thee Garage


Members present: Jade Boggs, Tammy O’Donnell, Karol Zachmann, Steve Zachmann, Alissa Miller, Vaughn Zenko, Kassidee Kilsdonk, Mary Lou Ryden, Roy & Melissa Rost, Shyla Hadley, James Parks.


President Alissa Miller called the meeting to order.


Jade moved and Vaughn seconded to approve March minutes. All in favor. Minutes approved


Executive Director Report: Melissa ordered membership stickers. Please take one if you haven’t. Melissa worked on the 2022 budget. Purchased a Calendar from Boss for the Chamber and Rec to share our events coming up on. Purchased a First Aid Kit from Rexall’s which came in handy for the Baker Jam. The Refs needed it numerous times. Kassidee has also used it in her classes as needed. Purchased Thank You cards and will be getting them mailed out soon for the donations that companies and individuals have donated to the Rec Dept. Melissa has been going to the 4th of July meetings for an event weekend for the 4th. Melissa will be helping the Rec Dept with the events on the 4th. Kassidee can explain what events we will be hosting. Melissa helped work the concessions at the Baker Jam both Sat and Sun all day.  Then cleaned Longfellow both nights. Melissa contacted Job Services out of Miles City to hopefully get Kassidee some free computer trainings. Attended Job Fair and gained two volunteers and have a stack of surveys. Would like to set up meeting with Lisa Burdick to go over the surveys and how we could possibly reach the kids that like to decorate and plan for volunteering. Some kids were interested in event planning and I discussed the Activities Coordinator Certificate I received from Casper College. CD matured on 3/21/22. Left it alone.  Excited to be at the Downtown Montana Main Street Conference in Billings. Thank You for letting me attend this.



Rec Director report: There were 56 teams in the Baker Jam Basketball tournament. The caviar grant was submitted. June 10 and July 24 have been scheduled for movie nights but the June date will have to be changed. The rec dept. is partnering with the school for licensing movies. A movie projector will be ordered. They will hold the movies at the high school and Ace will donate popcorn. June 8 & July 22 are the dates for Nerf gun wars. They can bring their own guns or the Rec Dept. will purchase some as well as bullets for those who don’t have any. It will be held in the hospital park. The Rec Dept. is sponsoring a 5k during the 4th of July weekend activities. Kassidee is going to try to get Job Service computer training. Finished up the martial arts and dance programs with a recital. There were 54 in Martial arts, 33 in dance and 30 in preschool dance. Next programs are track and playtime at the museum for preschoolers. We are still in need of volunteers for the track program. This summer, Linda Rost will help with a NASA camp and water straw camp and Melissa Rost will do a museum art camp. Discussed summer sports camps.



Membership stickers are done and ready to be picked up/delivered


Budget committee met and presented a budget for 2022. Budget was approved yesterday the the board meeting.


Scholarship committee will meet after the May 5 meeting at the Corner Bar to choose scholarship recipients as the deadline is May 1.


Shyla Hadley agreed to join the board. Karol moved and Tammy seconded to appoint Shyla to the board. All in favor. Karol moved and Tammy seconded to appoint Shyla as vice-president. All in favor.


Rec director offices space approval: Alissa will attend the next SMART meeting to ask for approval.



Crazy Days - 3 on 3 basketball tournament: Need to set dates


Fall Festival and Calcutta dates We tentatively set September 10 as the Fall Festival date and Oct. 1 for calcutta. The Lucas Meschke golf tournament that we are taking on will be September 17.


Extreme Broncs calcutta: Jade was again approached about the Chamber doing the calcutta for the event. The board voted to do this again. We will also do the 50-50 drawing.



Roy Rost, Fallon County Commissioner: They have bridges to replace. They have been looking into the drainage at Triangle Park into the lake.


Melissa Rost, museum director: Heritage Fest will be June 4. They are still in need of volunteers. She is working with the Rec Department on summer camps.


Mary Lou Ryden, Lions Club: Bingo will be held April 10. Quality Transportation gave a generous donation to the Club. They will give 2 scholarships to graduation seniors from Fallon County.


Vaughn Zenko, SMART/EMEDA: A group of ladies are planning to open a second hand/vintage shop in the bank building, hopefully by summer. The real estate investment co-op is moving along. The first public meeting will be the end of April. New funding opportunities for the Child Care Project have come up that are being explored. May 7 will be a Family Feud type tournament fund raiser for the child care project. A Childcare survey has been sent out to local businesses. We Can Bootcamp - U of Idaho is planning an at walk where local art will be displayed at local businesses. The are planning to launch Baker Arts & Culture Council. They are in the planning stages for a theater play in August.


Steve Zachmann, Mayor, city of Baker: Fallon County pre-disaster mitigation plan passed. The city crew will put up the banners for the high school seniors. Lisa Espeland was appointed to the zoning commission and will be recommended for the county planning board. Bids are going out for the Water main from the water wells. They are looking for grants for funding. Police Chief Mike Reddick is retiring. He is going to work for SW Healthcare in Bowman. They will first advertise internally for the position. They are working on easements for the water well to town. They have 2 open positions and 2 seasonal positions open for the city crew.


The KC’s last fish fry will be held this Friday.


Karol Zachmann, Friends of FMC Foundation: A survey was sent out for community health needs assessment. They are looking for volunteers for forming focus groups. They are hosting a 5K run/walk on April 23. Proceeds will go towards whirlpools for long term care.


A group is trying to raise funds for fireworks and are holding planning meetings for events on 4th of July weekend. The Bump N Run is July 2 and other events are being planned.


Shyla Hadley, fairgrounds manager: The dueling pianos event sold out and was a big hit. Bogey’s BBQ catered and 4-H kids served. Extreme Broncs will be May 27. Fair is the 3rd week in August. Jordan Davis is the Saturday night show. Rodeos will be Thursday night and Saturday afternoon. Friday will be a motor event and Sunday is the Demolition Derby.


James Parks, First Baptist pastor: Vacation Bible School is the 2nd week in June.


Alissa Miller, EPEDC: They have started a new subscription box, Plains to Porch, that features Made in Montana products. They were featured on the governor’s Facebook page and on Voices of Montana radio program. The next box will feature baking items. They are helping the Rec Dept. with grant work. They have 3 or 4 new business clients.


James moved to adjourn the meeting. Steve seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.


Next meeting is Thursday, May 5 at noon at the Corner Bar
