May 2022 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday May 5th, 2022 at the Corner Bar at NOON.

Members present: Alissa Miller (President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Tammy O’Donnell (Secretary), James Park, Vaughn Zenko, Beth Epley, Jade Boggs, Marjorie Losing, Ralph Tunby, Jodi Varner, and Trish Barth.

Staff Present: Melissa Higbee, Executive Director and Kassidee Kilsdonk, Rec Department Director

Alissa called the meeting to order at 12:02pm.

Trish made a motion to approve last months minutes and James 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report: The Downtown Montana Main Street conference was awesome. I got some great ideas I would like to implement. Like a mini put put golf downtown. I was thinking about doing this on Crazy Days. Also, would like to do a cleanup main street day this summer and a Facebook challenge clean up your sidewalk Wednesday. Take picture and post to Facebook. Susan Joy from Made in Montana came to are area April 20th me, Melissa Rost, and Roy Rost had lunch with her. She informed us of the Made in Montana program and how they would like more producers and retailers to utilize this program. It is free to join as long as you are producing or selling made in Montana product. The only cost is the stickers but if you do them digitally there is no cost. This is a good site to get on to reach tourists that are looking for Made in Montana items. Scholarships- 10 apps only 1 from Ekalaka rest are from Baker.

Rec Director Report: Track and Preschool Playtime at the Museum programs are doing really good! We are extending the track and preschool museum an extra week due to the blizzard canceling the programs in the beginning. Track meet will be on May 26th now. We need volunteers for the meet. Summer planning meeting will be May 10th at noon at the SMART office. Shyla, Jade, Alissa, Trish and Kassidee will be at this summer planning meeting. Kassidee stated if anyone would like to come and help plan or take the lead on a summer program, please let her know she said.  Safe @ Home and Safe Sitter is a program Kassidee would like to bring to and back to Baker. Kassidee put in for a grant to offset the costs of the training for this program. The board did approve to pay for the training if the grant does not come through. Kassidee has taken inventory of the new equipment. Rec Department is still helping with the 4th of July planning. Rec Dept will be having a sand castle contest and a 5K.

Old Business:

SMS Messaging System: The board approved for the Rec Dept to try this new system to be able to contact parents over the summer.

Crazy Day Dates: July 22nd and 23rd will be the dates for Crazy Days.

Xtreme Broncs: May 27th is the event date. Looking for volunteers for the 50/50 and ticket takers.

New Business:

Update Bank Accounts: Alissa is being added to the bank accounts since she is the President now and Jade will be taken off the bank accounts.

Storage Unit Rec Department: Alissa would like to look into a storage container for the rec dept stuff. The basement in the SMART building is flooding and would like to find something that doesn’t ruin the newly purchased equipment for the Rec Dept from moisture. Jade would like the Rec Dept to negotiate with the city to lease their storage container if possible. Kassidee will get the pricing on the shipping containers to see the costs.

Lost and Found Baker Jam: Post the items on Facebook and keep for one more week then discard the items.

Calcutta Theme: Alissa would like everyone to be thinking of a theme and bring back to the next board meeting their ideas. Check event page for updates.

Fall Festival Planning: Alissa would like everyone to be thinking of ideas for Fall Festival and who wants to be on that committee. Check event page for updates.

Reports from Members:

Fallon Medical Complex: Karol Zachmann foundation organizer stated the 4th of July planning is coming along nicely. Karol is applying for an advertising grant from EMEDA to advertise on the radio and newspaper. Camping will be available at the fairgrounds for this event. Events going on that weekend are as follows: Sand Volleyball Tournament over 2days, Cornhole, Horseshoes, Ball Drop, Fishing Friday Night, Fireworks on the 4th, Tug a War, 5k, Boat Parade, Sand Castle Contest, Poker Run, Golf Tournament on the 4th, Bump n Run, and maybe a Softball Tournament. Mammo Whammo is coming on June 11th.

EPEDC: Beth stated working on some small grants and Alissa has been working on larger grants. The City of Baker received a $500,000 waterline project. The Resiliency Study showed the number 1 challenge in Baker is workforce.

Baker Lions Club: Ralph stated they have been successful and received 1 scholarship this year.

First Baptist: James reminder everyone that VBS is in June.

SMART: Vaughn stated that there is a company called CGI that is interested in doing a promotional video for the City of Baker. City Council approved for SMART to go through with this project. CGI will be contacting businesses in the area to see if they want to have advertising in the free promotional video of Baker. The advertisement for the businesses would come at a cost for them at $1,500 to $5,000 depending on what the business is interested. CGI would film for 7 weeks and 7 weeks would be production. The Investment CoOp held a public meeting last week. The next steps are finalizing the bylaws and registering with the Montana Secretary of State. Be on the lookout for more public meetings. MCDC is giving money to help promote the next public meeting. The vintage store in the BSB is coming along. The building is all cleaned out and ready to get an ADA entrance. There is a 30-day waiver to get the ladies into the building before the ADA is complete. Childcare Project submitted a petition to the county. After that’s approved, for this to move to the ballots in November, we need 500 signatures. This project is 7.5 million. The facility is a community center and a daycare. Vaughn stated he has a full grant out for the full amount of 7.5 million dollars. ARPA might be usable if Vaughn comes up with clever ideas. Family Feud is this Saturday at 2pm at OS Brewery. Come out and play family feud all money goes to the childcare project.

O’Fallon Historical Museum: Heritage Fest is June 4th. Need volunteers. There will be food and music. Melissa stated she has partnered with the Rec Dept and the preschoolers are having their program at the museum. Doing a STEM camp and Art Camp. Water Works will be on display this summer. Helping with the Art Walk event too. Going to put these events on the Talk Around Town.

Adjournment: Trish made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vaughn 2nd. All in favor. Motion carried.

**Next Meeting at Heiser’s Bar on June 2nd, 2022 at NOON**






