August 2020 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - August 6, 2020, Compass Coffee

Members present: Jade Boggs, Alissa Miller, Karol Zachmann, Steve Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Shanny Spang Gion, Dean Wang, Merri Beck, Gretchen Mahon, Beth Epley, Shyla Hadley

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Karol moved to approved July minutes. Steve seconded. All in favor.


Bingo: We have had several winners and will go until the $800 is gone. There is $450.00 left to give as prizes.

Crazy Days and 3 on 3 basketball tournament July 31 & August 1: Had 3 courts Friday for 3-6 grade and 4 courts Saturday for 7-12 with a total of 108 participants. Took in $2160.00 in entry fees. Shanny suggested having banners made strictly for this event to put at all locations there are courts. We had lots of volunteer refs.


Fall Festival: Canceled due to lack of time and volunteers

Calcutta: October 3. Theme will be “Country Chic”. It will be held at the fairgrounds if Thee Garage will cater there. Thee Garage is the only chamber member that caters except for The Tavern which is no longer open. Karol will ask Brenda if she will and get a quote. Discussed asking the last year’s juniors to rent their prom decorations.

Moonlight Madness & Customer Appreciation Dinner: Will be Wednesday this year as the Thursday of Teacher Convention wasn’t well attended. Karol will ask Brenda about doing it at Thee Garage again when she checks on the calcutta. It will be October 14.

Chamber was approved for the Covid Relief non-profit grant in the amount of $7775.00. Grasslands Federal Credit Union donated $800 towards purchase of a computer. Merri would donate an extra monitor for the computer if we needed one in the office. Beth moved to purchase a laptop computer, software and external hard drive. Alissa seconded. All in favor. Jade will check with Clint Townsend to see if he can build a laptop.


Shanny Spang Gion, SMART and EMEDA: Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments are completed for the new building. They will get the results the end of August. They are working with an architect for a business development center on the main floor. Shanny has visited lots of sites with an architect for a childcare facility. August 18 at 6 p.m. will be a public input meeting. They are looking at a facility to accommodate 96 kids and will be looking at financing options. Plan to hold 2 more meetings by the end of the year.

Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds manager: They are in need of ticket takers for the fair. They have to take tickets all the way through each event to keep capacity limits. No carnival or bouncy houses due to sanitation. The rodeo will be big - they have an extensive contestant list. She has received the dishes. We discussed paying our share of $1500.00 and will get a check to the Fair Board.

Alissa Miller, Lions Club: They won’t hold a barn dance this year. They are holding a raffle for a fundraiser  for a gun, knife, sweatshirt. Proceeds will go towards a hearing machine for public health.

Beth Epley, EPEDC: Has been working with businesses on COVID relief grants from State of MT. Helped the city get a $3000 grant from TC Energy for fireworks. Beth encouraged everyone to fill out the census. They have reached out to all area chambers and will give $500 to the county that has the highest rate of response. There will be a beginning and advanced Quickbooks training on Aug. 20.

Dean Wang thanked everyone for the support of the State High School Rodeo. There were 50 positive responses from Main Street businesses at the health board meeting. Thanks to Kim Cuppy and the health board for all their help. Jay Bogner got the Governor’s ear to allow youth rodeos.

Steve Zachmann, City of Baker: City Council voted to allow TransCanada an additional 30,000 gallons of water and upped the rate. They are holding a public hearing Aug. 18 on water rates for vacant lots. Collaborating with school on water problem on 2nd St. & George Ave. There was a water main presentation by Broz Engineering. It will be from 5th St. W to 6th St. E.   Main Street will be closed for 14 days with detours. Plan to start summer 2021 and is scheduled to be completed Nov. 6, but highways have to be resurfaced by Oct. 15. There will be temporary surface water lines until the project is done. They will soon be hiring a new public works director and 1/2 time clerk in the city office.

Karol Zachmann, FMC: They have gone through a series of steps to open the nursing home for 1 visitor per week for 10 minutes. They hope to be able to have visitors soon. Employees have to be monitored daily. Masks are worn within the building and everyone is screened when they come in. The Murder Mystery is scheduled for Dec. 5.

Steve moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri seconded. All in favor

Next meeting will be September 3 at noon at Thee Garage.
