September 2020 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - September 3, 2020, Thee Garage

Members present: Karol Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Shanny Spang Gion, Merri Beck, Alissa Miller, Aaron Skogen, Taylee Tolzien, Steve Zachmann, Shyla Hadley

Vice President Alissa Miller called the meeting to order.

Karol moved to approved August minutes. Merri seconded. All in favor.

Financial Report: Covid Relief Grant money has been deposited in the amount of $7,775.00. 


Bingo: All money has been won. $850.00 Baker Bucks was distributed. The game started May 15.

Downtown Trick or Treat: Joe Epley from the Youth Center is wondering if we plan to do it. Tammy will contact Joe and businesses to see who wants to participate.


Chamber Computer: Clint Townsend is getting us a new laptop. He will have all the software installed.

Calcutta: October 3. Theme will be “Country Chic”. It will be held at the fairgrounds catered by the Corner Bar. Dean is having tickets printed. Cost is $120 per couple for dinner and 2 drinks. Exhibit Hall charges are $200 deposit + $200 for kitchen, $75 rental, $5 per tablecloth. We will decorate Friday morning and clean up Sunday.

Moonlight Madness/Customer Appreciation Dinner: Wed., Oct. 14 at Thee Garage. We will ask the Commissioner candidates to help serve. Serving the usual menu - roast beef, beans, hot dogs, etc.


Shanny Spang Gion, SMART & EMEDA: Public childcare meeting had a pretty good turnout. There were land owners and current child care providers in attendance. It has been narrowed down to 3 properties - Lake City Shopping Center (former Runnings); Barth’s land across from Lincoln School and land owned by the County by the lake. They will be having another public meeting in the future. Brownfield assessment was completed on the former Insurance Store building. They will be working on phasing abatement of lead paint and asbestos. 

Aaron Skogen, Baker Public Schools: All is going well, they have had no Covid cases yet. They will play it by ear if they do get any. They don’t plan to shut down the whole school, but teachers and students are prepared if they need to go remote. The first volleyball game went well, lots of fans attended. They have moved Parents’ night up to new week.

Taylee Tolzien, EMCMHS Prevention Specialist: Her job is to help prevent substance usage in the community.

Shyla Hadley, Fairgrounds manager: Fair went well. Ticket sales were down, but they expected that with the circumstances. 4-H livestock sale was virtual as well as live. The rodeo was televised on the Cowboy Channel and they had lots of rodeo contestants.

Steve Zachmann, Mayor, City of Baker: They have recently held 2 budget pubic hearings. Health insurance mills will be 3.32 mills, down from a high of 6 mills. Budget to total mills is slightly higher than last year. The crew is currently washing out sewers. Flower pots and banners are coming down next week. BEK Construction of ND was awarded the bid for the water main project. They passed Resolution 713 for LED lights. Trish Barth is heading the soccer program previously led by the Rec Dept. The City will let her use the equipment. There is an open council position since Steve became mayor. They approved doing the street project by the school. Public Works Director and Utility Billing Clerk candidates will be interviewed and hired soon. 

Discussion was held on ways to get the Rec. Dept. going again.

Tammy moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri seconded.

Next meeting will be October 1. Place to be determined.
