October 2020 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - October 1, 2020, Thee Garage

Members present: Jade Boggs, Tammy O’Donnell, Shanny Spang Gion, Merri Beck, Alissa Miller, Karol Zachmann, Steve Zachmann, Gretchen Mahon, Beth Epley, Melissa Rost

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order

Merri moved to approve September minutes. Alissa seconded. All in favor.


Discussed presenting a check to the after school program from the proceeds of the 3 on 3 basketball tournament.


Yesterday the board made the decision to order the laptop and software from Clint Townsend.

Calcutta: October 3.“Country Chic”. It will be held at the fairgrounds catered by the Corner Bar. They are serving Prime Rib & Shrimp. Hope to have 130-160 attendees.  Passed around sign up sheet for duties. Vaughn Zenko has declined to emcee because of the Covid situation.

Moonlight Madness/Customer Appreciation Dinner: Wed., Oct. 14 at Thee Garage. Dinner will be from 4:30 - 7 p.m. Stores open until 8. Passed around sign up sheet to serve.

Downtown Trick or Treat: will be Friday, October 30 from 3-6 p.m. Chamber has teal pumpkin items. Shanny and Alissa will hand out goodies. Tammy is contacting businesses and will distribute flyers with participating businesses.

Jade would like to see banners promoting local events across the highway between the Insurance Store and Old Bank building (SMART’s). Beth has talked to the highway department about height restrictions over highways and will let us know when they get back with her.

Shanny Spang Gion - SMART & EMEDA: They are working on the redevelopment of the old Insurance Store building. They feel they have a good chance of getting a 0% interest loan for the project since they are a non-profit. They decided not to pursue historic tax credit but will still try to maintain historic aesthetic. They have interest from tenants for the building. Shanny reported on a small business grant available for $20,000 or less to help small businesses. It focuses on women & veteran owned businesses in rural areas. The Beautification Committee has only 3 members so would like to get more interested members. They offer a flag service on holidays and are trying to recruit a high school group to help with the flag service.

Beth Epley - EPEDC: There is 1 more session for the Re-Imagining Rural events. It will be Oct. 13. It is encouraging to have people who understand rural areas giving the presentations. If communities participate in all 3 events, they may be eligible for grants.

Melissa Rost - O’Fallon Museum: Things are going well. Numbers are holding steady. They hosted a PTA STEM night. They have a display of the Wyoming State Museum Ledger Art Collection. They would like to do a community art exhibit. In December and January they are doing  a “Lights of Home” special. It will feature stars, picture and stories about finding light in challenging times.

Trish Barth talked about the soccer program. They have 56 kids on 6 teams and have had great volunteers and coaches helping. They participate 3 Saturdays in Miles City. She also talked about the Boy Scout program. Very few are selling popcorn this year and 2 are selling wreaths. Probably will not have Christmas tree sales this year.

Steve Zachmann, Mayor, City of Baker: The city hired Rod Morris as Director of Public Works. He will start Oct. 15. They need to hire one more for the crew. He commended the city crew who have been doing a great job without a supervisor. October 13 they will start the George Avenue project which should take 2-3 weeks. When the spring thaw starts, city street potholes will be bad. They can’t get cold mix until summer. The street SID was created but there are no assessments yet. There is a drainage project between the city park and Parkview Apartments. The city crew will find a Christmas tree for Christmas in the Park. A Committee is meeting to plan the event.

Gretchen Mahon - Grasslands Federal Credit Union: They are planning an Open House on October 15 - National Credit Union Day

Alissa moved to adjourn the meeting. Trish seconded.

Next meeting will be November 5 at noon.
