August 2021 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce & Ag General Meeting


Wednesday, August 5, 2021 at the Thee Garage.


Called to order at 12 noon by President Jade Boggs.


Members present: 10


Jade called the meeting to order and read last month’s minutes.  Karol moved to accept, Vaughn second. Motion carried.


Jade announced that Mary Grube resigned from the Board and that Vaughn Zenko is a new Board member.  We have 9 Board members, being short one.


Old Business:


Joint Executive Director:


The joint SMART/Chamber position was discussed. Vaughn announced that an applicant has accepted the position and hopes to start on August 23rd.


Crazy Days 3 on 3:


Jade reported that the Crazy Days 3 on 3 basketball tournament was very well attended, and returned $1,649.17 to the Chamber, to be used for street signs and downtown beautification. Thank you to Alissa Miller, Sheila O’Connor and Trish Barth for their time and effort.


Rec Dept:


Miles City soccer was discussed, within the context of the Rec Dept.  Sign up will be in late August. Soccer begins September 6th and runs until late October. Consensus is that without a Chamber Director, we dare not tackle the project for want of man power.


New Business:


Fall Festival, October 2, 2021:


Steve Losing will construct a new, aluminum duck racetrack, with delivery scheduled for a week prior to October 2nd. Duck races will be at 4 pm.


Other activities will include: Bounce houses; DJ music; vendors, food trucks, pumpkin painting, wagon rides and perhaps a quilt show, pies, ribs and chili.


Vendors will be charged $20. Tammy O’Donnell is the contact.


The Chamber will tentatively participate in the BHS football Homecoming tailgate party on October 1, 2021.


Calcutta, October 23rd:


Vaugh Zenko is available to MC. An inquiry will be made as to the availability of the Fairgrounds.


We will need to select a theme.


Re-Imagining Rural:


Sept 13, 27, and October 4, 2021, 6 to 8 pm at the Plevna Community Center.  The Chamber is a Community partner. Grants are available to assist with the implementation of the generated ideas.


Affiliate membership with CEA (Consumer Energy Alliance)


Superintendent Aaron Skogen and Mayor Steve Zachmann were interviewed for the article/blog about how energy impacts Baker and the surrounding area.  Chamber is an Affiliate member of CEA and vice versa. No money was exchanged.




EPEDC and Montana Main Street present Davey Madison to discuss Investment Co-ops. Montana Main Street will present on Tuesday, August 10th, from 3 to 5 pm at Thee Garage Showroom. Training to follow at 5:30. Contact Alissa Miller at 406.852.3735.


Melissa Higbee: Miranda Gilbert will conduct social media training in Wibaux on October 6, 2021.  Social media and Google 101.


Community Band concert on August 18th has moved from the Amphitheater to the City Park, to coordinate with Lights of Life. 5:30 pm. Ice cream social. Band at 6 pm. Lights of Life at 7 pm.


The Talk Around Town radio program will resume.  Taping at 9:15 am on Mondays. Broadcasts on the FM, 9:30 am Tuesday and Thursday and on the AM at 12:30 Tuesday and Thursday.  Submit information to Karol Zachmann or Vaughn Zenko.  The information will also be available on the radio station’s website.


City of Baker: Mayor Zachmann stated the street repairs and sewer replacement are going well, with only one punch list item. The city crew is shorthanded, being unable to hire enough seasonal workers. The MTDOT is responsible for the striping on anything that wasn’t replaced.  Hot mix street repair will begin after the concrete. The City Council approved the budget with 1.2% cost of living increase for employees.  The water restrictions are having the desired effect. Please support the SNP (spay and neuter program). Steve summarized several items regarding recreational and medical marijuana.


Fallon County Fair: Shayla reported that they’re hoping to have a barn dance at some point.  The Lions club will be driving the trolley for the Fair and need additional drivers.  The Carnival will be free. They have a banner to advertise the fair, for Main Street. Thursday and Friday night performances.  Saturday afternoon performance is Tough Enough to Wear Pink (TEWP).  The national program will match the tickets purchased at the Sat. perf.  Proceeds to be donated to FMC.


SMART: Vaughn reported that the asbestos abatement went very well. They hope to move in by Sept 1st. He stated that the plan is to continue with the large daycare/community building.  No financial assistance is currently available to local residents because there are no licensed day care facilities in the area.  He feels that a licensed day care would serve as a recruitment tool, to capitalize on the desire of many to relocate to rural locations.


Melissa moved to adjourn. Steve Z. second. 1:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted. Dean Wang, acting secretary.
