September 2021 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce & Ag General Meeting


September 2nd, 2021, Compass Coffee


Members Present: Dean Wang, Alissa Miller, Tammy O’Donnell, Trish Barth, Beth Epley, Melissa Higbee, Vaughn Zenko, Steve Zachmann, Karol Zachmann, Rolph Tunby, James Parks, Jade Boggs.


President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.


Karol moved and Trish seconded to approve the August minutes. All in favor. Minutes Approved.




Rec Department: Jade gave a brief overview of the board’s discussion the previous day in regards to starting the department small with one or two activities a quarter and starting with donations and volunteers. This will be easier on startup costs as well.

Trish will be running Miles City Soccer again this year since the Rec Department hasn’t been finalized yet. Mandatory parent meeting tonight September 2 at 6 pm in Thee Garage Showroom. Games are scheduled in Miles City September 25th, October 9th and October 16th. She did receive approval from The City Council to use Coldwell Field again this year. The Chambers Equipment and Lease agreement with The City will allow her access to the required equipment. Practices are typically twice a week for one hour and the schedules for those will depend on the coaches. Ashley will work on getting an inventory form put together for Trish to do an inventory of the equipment in The City’s Conex container.


Affiliate Membership with CEA: The paperwork was completed by Ashley and we are now members.


Insurance Policy: Jade discussed the need for additional insurance if the Rec Department is brought back.




Executive Director Duties: Jade sent Ashley a list of expected duties these may change or be added to as she gets more familiar with her role.


QuickBooks Training: Jade discussed that there was an in-person course hosted by SBDC at DCC in October as well as a live virtual class available. Ashley signed up for the course at DCC on October 26th.


Memorandum of understanding between the Chamber and SMART: Darcy Wassmann is working on this document and the two boards will meet to review it before signing it.


Fall Festival: Karol Zachmann, Steve Zachmann, Alissa Miller, Melissa Higbee, Beth Epley, Trish Barth and Ashley Heiser are on the Fall Festival committee. There will be a meeting Tuesday September 7th at 12 pm at Compass Coffee. Current planning includes a vendor show, games, inflatables, quilt show, duck races and food.


Homecoming Tailgate: The Chamber is partnering with The Bank of Baker to serve at the Homecoming Tailgate.


Moonlight Madness: Will be held on October 14th.

Trunk of Treat: October 29th from 3 pm- 6 pm.




Vaughn Zenko, SMART Director: SMART is looking at doing at haunted house/ghost tour in the Old Baker State Bank Building. They have also been working with Montana co-ops to create a real estate investment co-op in Baker, which would be the first in the state. Vaughn is looking for 5-7 people that would be interested in being part of the steering committee.


EMEDA: Currently working on the childcare project. The Fall Festival will be the fundraiser kick off. Vaughn was on Zoom meetings with State Legislation last week in regards to the $112 million of ARPA funds. Ranking will be based on areas of need (we are considered a childcare desert) and the number of slots created (96 slots).


Steve Zachmann, Mayor City of Baker: The 2021-2022 City Budget was passed which gives employees a 1.2% cost of living increase. The permissive mill levy increased 7.7 mils. Revenue has also increased over the last year with the oil and gas tax trickling in. There was a change order submitted on the street repair projects to include the area between 2nd and 3rd street in front of the catholic church. This has been added on to Wyrick’s current bid as it will provide better bang for the City’s buck. SNIP is currently at capacity. The COVID task force has not been meeting since numbers were dwindling for a while. Now that numbers are up and have been staying pretty stagnant Mayor Zachmann will be reaching out to Dr. Sullivan when he returns next week to see about getting the task force back together.  The city will also be visiting about the SID over the winter.


Karol Zachmann, FMC Foundation: The door at the top of the ramp by diagnostic imaging is locked, but staff will be happy to come unlock it if you call and ask. Temperature checks and masks are still required. FMC has dedicated September as suicide prevention month. They have titled it Be The 1. Provider Dede Anders is trained in suicide prevention. The foundation will be selling tater pigs, taco in a bag and chili at the Fall Festival this year.


James Parks, First Baptist Church: They are currently working on getting a youth group for Sunday’s and a kid’s program on Wednesday’s put together. They are working with Lakeview Baptist with the possibility of combining them.


Rolph Tunby, Lions Club: The shuttle bus was used for the fair. Commissioner Rost is the one who ran it.


Alissa Miller, EPEDC: The Department of Agriculture is having a meeting in Helena next week to discuss ARPA funds. There will also be a Made in Montana trade show on the second day. Currently working with GNDC on a food study for our five counties and northeastern Montana to determine the food gaps due to being a food desert. On November 3rd there will be a meat processor workshop in Circle to learn how to get USDA or State inspected to be able to receive funding opportunities.


Beth Epley, EPEDC: Mondak Motorcycle Loop Maps are in. Re-Imagining Rural will be held at the Plevna Community Center later this month.

Melissa Higbee, EPEDC: A tourism grant was just submitted for the museum for a façade improvement including an awning, signage and outdoor bulletin boards. There will be a Microsoft Excel training on September 20th from 6 pm- 8 pm for beginners and September 22nd from 6-8 for intermediate level learners. There are 14 spots available per class and sign-ups are free.


Steve moved and Alissa seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor meeting adjourned.


Next meeting is Thursday, October 7th at noon.
