October 2021 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce & Ag General Meeting


Thursday, October 7th, 2021 at the Baker Bowling Center.


Vice-President Alissa Miller called the meeting to order.


Members present: Alissa Miller, Steve Zachmann, Karol Zachmann, Vaughn Zenko, Tammy O’Donnell, Trish Barth, Emily Medearis, Duane Waterland, Mary Lou Ryden, Shyla Hadley, Gretchen Mahon


Executive Director Report: Director Heiser discussed the Fusion conference in Bowman she attended and possibly holding something similar in Baker in the future. She also discussed attending the virtual MNA Traction conference and how all of those trainings are online for the next 3 months if anyone wanted to view them.


Trish moved and Emily seconded to approve the September minutes. All in favor. Minutes approved.


Old Business:


Memorandum of Understanding Between Chamber and SMART: A sub-committee with 3 members from SMART and 3 members from the Chamber has been formed and a meeting is scheduled for next week to go over changes necessary to complete a final draft of the MOU for both boards approval.


Fall Festival: The Fall Festival went over very well. There were 28 vendor booths, 14 full duck race heats and 1 partial. The street was very busy until around 3-4pm. Next year we will look at ending at 4pm.


Homecoming Tailgate: The Chamber assisted with serving at The Bank of Baker Homecoming Tailgate. It was a beautiful night and was well attended.


Rec Department: The donation/volunteer letter that the Board approved will be posted on Facebook and sent to local businesses.


QuickBooks Training: Director Heiser has signed up for the course October 26th at DCC that is being put on by Miles Community Colleges SBDC.



New Business:


Baker Chamber Calcutta- The tickets, venue & decorations are done.


Moonlight Madness- Will take place on Thursday, October 14th. The Chamber will not be hosting an appreciation supper in conjunction with it this year. Director Heiser put out a Facebook post advertising the date and time.


Trunk or Treat- Friday, October 29th from 3-6 pm.


Website Updates- Director Heiser would like to update the website after things settle down.


Membership- Karol has asked that Director Heiser look at re-vamping the membership form for 2022.


Reports From Members:


ACE- Emily stated that ACE would decorate a tree for Christmas in the Park.


EPEDC- Alissa shared that there is a meat market processing workshop in Circle the beginning of November. There is also currently a food study being completed in our area and she asked everyone to go online or scan the QR code and fill out the quick survey.


B & B- Trish let everyone know about the breakfast benefit Sunday with the basket sale fundraiser to help raise funds for Sheila’s house fire. She will also be assisting with the Boy Scouts Christmas Wreaths again this year.


Fairgrounds- Shyla stated there is a survey on Facebook for some convention season input. The Fair Board is looking at doing a drive-in movie in the next little while. She would also be willing to help with graphic design assistance.


First Baptist- Duane shared they have visited the Villa, and Pine Hills Detention Center. They had a lot of booth interest at the Fall Festival.


City of Baker- Steve shared the paving has been completed on Park Drive. The street repair project is running over budget, but that was expected. The City will cover Flu Shot expenses for staff. SNIP has submitted their first draft of their contract and that has been approved. The lighting in Hospital Park was paid for by Denbury.


FMC Foundation- Karol shared that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and on Wednesdays they wear pink. They aren’t able to hold their annual breast cancer luncheon due to covid, but still sold shirts.

The O’Fallon Community Choir- Karol shared that their performance will be Sunday, December 5th at First Baptist Church at 2 pm.


Grasslands FCU- They will be holding an open house on October 21st from 10-2pm at their old location.


SMART/EMEDA: Vaughn asked if anyone would like to sponsor an additional 7 minutes on the Talk around Town. SMART will be having their Haunted House/Ghost Tour at the Old Insurance Store Building on October 14th, 21st and 28th from 7-10pm. EMEDA is looking into the pilot program for 0-5 MT that will provide $7,000 towards the childcare project. They have also got a steering committee together for the Real Estate Investment co-op.




Trish made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Karol seconded. All in favor. Meeting Adjourned.
