December 2020 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - December 3, 2020, Corner Bar

Members present: Jade Boggs, Tammy O’Donnell, Karol Zachmann, Steve Zachmann, Dean Wang, Marge Losing, Beth Epley, Trish Barth, Aaron Skogen

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Trish moved to approve November chamber minutes. Steve seconded. All in favor.

Financial: Karol presented a sheet with bank balances.


Christmas in the Park: Beth Epley reported they got a surprise bill for $950 from Direct Electric and we discussed where to get the money to pay the bill. They may be able to use money from the Covid Relief Grant.

Covid Relief Funds: We need to figure out what we can use the grant funds for. SMART is using the funds also, so will check with them and see if they can give us some guidance.


2021 Budget committee: Marge, Karol, & Trish agreed to serve on the committee. They will also ask Alissa.

2020 Audit: Trish made a motion and Beth seconded to have Rachel’s Accounting move forward with the audit. All in favor.

Out Here We Care Campaign: Beth Epley reported that the Southeast Montana Tourism group is disbursing Covid funding of $2000 in gift cards for towns our size for businesses willing to follow Covid guidelines. Beth will send the information to the chamber.

Lighting Contest: Beth, Karol, Marge & Alissa will meet after 7 p.m. on Dec. 7 to judge.

2021 Membership: Karol has the membership form for 2021 to mail out. She will e-mail the form and a letter and invoices to those who need them. Then she will mail them to those who don’t respond.

Jade presented Aaron Skogen with a check for the After School Program from the proceeds of the 3 on 3 basketball tournament.


Dean Wang reported that the Bank of Baker’s Christmas Open House will be December 11. There will be a free lunch from 11 a.m. until gone. They will also have gift bags.

Steve Zachmann, Mayor of City of Baker: Resolution 716 set a fee of $500 for Medical Marijuana Distributor application. The City office was closed for a week for Covid quarantine. Batterman got BN to waive the fee for a pipeline and waterline. They changed the foreman job description. They denied Sagebrush Inn’s request to rent out an ice house on their property. Shepherds donated the Christmas tree in the park and Dennis Twedt of Mitchell’s Crane and Trucking put it up. Christmas in the Parks was a nice event. He thanked the school for their part in the drainage project.

Karol Zachmann, FMC: Festival of Trees is now on display at Thee Garage. They have 38 items and they will be awarded Dec. 9.

Beth Epley, EPEDC: Thanks to all who helped with Christmas in the Park. It was decided at the Reimagining Rural seminars to work on community branding. They got grants from the Community Foundation. Marnee Gaskill is working up a quote. They are now forming a committee to work on it.They have received CARES Act funding for 2 new positions. Alissa Miller was hired as Food & Ag specialist and Melissa Higbee was hired as Downtown Development specialist.

Aaron Skogen, Baker Public Schools: Locker room project is done and the pool will be opening. The basketball schedule is done and they have 12 games scheduled. Covid numbers have been low. They hope to open winter sports in scenario 3 which is 60% capacity. The Christmas concert participants will get 2 tickets per person.

Trish moved to adjourn the meeting. Steve seconded. All in favor

Next meeting will be January 7 at noon.
