January 2021 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - January 7, 2021, The Tavern

Members present: Jade Boggs, Tammy O’Donnell, Karol Zachmann, Steve Zachmann, Dean Wang, Marge Losing, Beth Epley, Trish Barth, Melissa & Roy Rost, Alissa Miller, Melissa Higbee, Shanny Spang Gion

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Trish moved to approve December chamber minutes with corrections. Alissa seconded. All in favor.

Financial: Karol presented a sheet with bank balances. Membership forms have been sent. There are 3 new members: Oneok, Traci Schell Insurance, Compass Coffee. Karol will be sending scholarship money to Mattie Mastel and O’Connell Qualley.


2021 Budget committee: Marge, Karol, Trish & Alissa will meet after Rachel’s Accounting does the audit.

Covid Relief Funds: Money has been spent and Karol will submit the final report.

Minnesota Limited Donation: They contacted Jade wanting to donate to area youth. It was reported that they already donated thru another organization.


Elected positions for board. Jade presented a list of current board members. Karol agreed to remain treasurer, Tammy will continue as secretary for 1 more year. Karol moved to keep current board members at staggered 2 year terms. Alissa seconded, all in favor. We need to talk to Emily and Merri to see if they will continue on the board.

EPEDC wants to work with the chamber to hold meetings for area bar owners and retailers.

Discussed the need to hire a Chamber Director. Will put feelers out for interest.

Out Here We Care Campaign: 80 gift cards were available to be distributed. They also gave out neck gators. There are seven cards left to distribute. Karol moved and Trish seconded to give them away as prizes on a Facebook giveaway for Takeout Tuesdays for meals purchased from local businesses. All in favor.

Baker Jam Basketball Tourney: Alissa was approached about doing the tournament. A group from the school would like to go thru the Chamber to use our event insurance. Trish moved and Beth seconded to help sponsor the event. All in favor.


Shanny Spang Gion, SMART & EMEDA: Baker State Bank building - they are finalizing second floor drawings and are keeping the current footprint. They are trying for 0% interest loans or grants to complete the project. They plan to start demo work on the main floor in the spring. PAR - Chad Sutter helped draft the environmental checklist.

For the child development center they looked at more than 10 properties in the area. For the size of the building, only the county property across from the Splash Park is big enough -  Total footprint is 16,000 sq. ft. which includes a commercial kitchen & cafeteria, community room, 8 classrooms. Total cost projected to be approx. $7,000,000. Port Authority is considering a capital campaign to raise funds. Plans will be available at the library for the public to view.

Steve Zachmann, Mayor of City of Baker: They will try to install permanent electricity in the City Park for Christmas in the Park next year. The council approved the purchase of a roller packer and along with the rural fire district will contribute to a command vehicle for the fire dept. Paving will be done with the exception of by the post office and Cenex which will be done after the completion of the water main project. The will also do chip seal. Montana Avenue water main project will run April thru August. Two pipelines plan to go thru the area this year. Vehicles parking on the wrong side of the street will start being ticketed.

Karol Zachmann, FMC: Still planning the 1980s murder mystery dinner theater Feb. 13.

Roy Rost, Fallon County Commission: The museum received a $400,000 grant for foundation work on the old jail. They will receive this money if the legislature appropriates the funds for it. Parkview 1 is on schedule to be done in March. Sr. Citizen project is complete. The Center got a facade grant. They started cleaning the upper lake. An Ekalaka contractor got the bid to complete the Millennium sidewalk project. There are only 2 bridges left to complete in the county.

Beth Epley, EPEDC: They will be holding new business training and training on how COVID funds will affect taxes. Alissa reported that there will be a free workshop on Cottage Food training.

Steve moved to adjourn the meeting. Karol seconded. All in favor

Next meeting will be February 4 at noon.
