February 2021 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - February 4, 2021, Compass Coffee

Members present: Jade Boggs, Tammy O’Donnell, Karol &, Steve Zachmann, Dean Wang, Alissa  Miller, Roy & Melissa Rost, Beth Epley, Melissa Higbee, Emily & Kyle Medearis, Shyla Hadley, Jerri Breitbach

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Approval of minutes: Dean moved and Karol seconded to approve January minutes. All in favor. Minutes approved.

Financial Report: Karol reported that she and Shanny have completed the Covid Relief grant report to the state and she will take the computer to Rachel’s Accounting to do the audit


2021 Budget committee: Marge, Karol, Trish & Alissa will meet after Rachel’s Accounting does the audit.

Executive Director responsibilities, hours, wages: The board decided to start at 16-20 hours at $15/hr. Need to have set office hours each week, but some of the hours can be remote. Duties include: membership contact, event planning/fundraisers, Facebook/website upkeep, QuickBooks/Accounting, meeting agendas and minutes, coordinating with the budget committee, taxes, deposits/banking, set up committees for events.

Current board members and expiration dates are:

Jade Boggs, president, January 1, 2019. Term expires January, 2022

Alissa Miller, vice president, Term expires January, 2022

Karol Zachmann, Treasurer, Term expires January, 2022

Tammy O’Donnell, Secretary, Term expires January 2022

Marjorie Losing, Term expires January 2023

Dean Wang, Term expires January 2023

Trish Barth, Term expires January 2023

Melissa Higbee, New member, Term expires January 2023


Baker Jam Basketball Tourney: April 10 & 11. They will have 32 teams maximum per day. Chamber is sponsor for the event and they will use our event insurance.

Retail & Service Business Meeting: EPEDC and the Chamber are holding meetings with local businesses. Melissa Higbee reported that the meeting with the bars went well. Feb. 9 will be the retail and service business meeting. We discussed things the chamber can do to promote businesses such as the Take-out Tuesdays where we hold drawings for gift cards for those who post their picture of take out food on the Chamber’s page. Melissa is looking into a text messaging system that the chamber could use to promote their events. One of her job descriptions is helping chambers in their 5 county area. She agreed to join the board.

Shyla Hadley mentioned that she had been approached by some students wanting to host their own prom at the fairgrounds if the school didn’t approve having one.


Beth Epley, EPEDC: They have had good feedback from businesses in the meetings. Asked for ideas on how we can help ag and oilfield businesses. She mentioned ordering banners to go across the Insurance Store and Baker State Bank buildings. MDT said the banners must be 20’ above the street to go across the highway.

Shyla Hadley, Fair Board: They are working on this year’s fair which is August 17-22. Night show act is in negotiations. They will have evening rodeos Thursday and Friday and a Saturday afternoon rodeo. Slack will be the same as in the past. The Demolition Derby will be Sunday afternoon. 

June 7-12 is the State High School Rodeo Finals. The Chamber will do welcome bags again. She reported that the outdoor movie held in December went well.

Karol Zachmann, FMC: Wear Red at FMC is Friday, Feb. 12. Those who come in wearing red will receive a small appreciation token. The Health Fair is approved for April 28.

EMEDA: They have received the Daycare Preliminary Architecture Report and she had a copy at the meeting to look at.

Steve Zachmann, Mayor, city of Baker: The council voted to buy another 1/4 share of a gas well which puts their share at 1/2 share. They also own their own gas well. The Main Street water project is expected to start April 15. They expect Main Street disruption to be about 2 weeks. Citizen of the Year nominations are open.

Alissa moved to adjourn the meeting. Steve seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is Thursday, March 4 at noon at Baker Bowling Center.
