March 2021 minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - March 4, 2021, Baker Bowling Center

Members present: Jade Boggs, Tammy O’Donnell, Karol Zachmann, Shyla Hadley, Melissa Higbee, Beth Epley, Dean Wang, Alissa Miller, Steve Zachmann, Mary Lou Ryden, Rolph Tunby, Carl Hepperle, Roy & Melissa Rost

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Financial: Budget committee will try to meet next week.


Membership: Karol presented a sheet with current paid members.

Executive Director: Still trying to find someone interested in the position

Take out Tuesdays: Had a really good response. The most participants in one week was 12. This was the final week.


Baker Jam Basketball Tourney: Chamber is sponsor for the event and they will use our event insurance. Sign up sheets are coming in. Concessions won’t be allowed.

Lisa Burdick and Alissa Miller would like the Chamber to host a job fair. Lisa is checking with the school on available dates and a group will meet to plan the event when we have a date.

Main Street banners: Talked about putting the banners between buildings or light poles. Melissa will contact the state for a permit. Alissa moved and Tammy seconded that If more funds are needed, we could use funds from the beautification account for the permits. All in favor. Motion passed

Thursday, June 10 will be the Extreme Broncs event in conjunction with the High School rodeo finals. The rodeo committee would like the Chamber to handle the calcutta. We would get the proceeds from the calcutta. In the past, the county took 10% and distributed the rest. We will also do a 50/50 drawing and will need volunteers to help with that. We will fill goodie bags for HS rodeo contestants. Tammy will talk to Ace Hardware about donating the bags.

Tammy passed around a sign up sheet for events.


Beth Epley - EPEDC: They are working on a Community Branding Plan and a new logo or image for Baker. Shyla Hadley is working on designs. Senator Daines’ and Tester’s offices have reached out asking about the economy and Keystone cancellations. Daines plans to come here to meet with business owners. Rosendale was here earlier and met with the Mayor and Commissioners.

Rolph Tunby, Lions Club: They will try to be more active in the Chamber.

Shyla Hadley, Fair Manager: They are still working on the fair and entertainment. The Wrestling Club will do a dunk tank again. They are looking for more things to have in the midway. Lions Club bingo is still up in the air. Shyla needs a new temp assistant for the summer. Hours are Monday-Friday, 6 hours a day.

Melissa Higbee, EPEDC Community specialist: The business meeting went well. She feels there was some good feedback.

Roy Rost, Fallon County Commissioner: They have lost the extension agent. The Extension Service is looking to find another one, but may not have one by fair time. Denbury called Monday and stated the CO2 pipeline will start approx. the end of June. When they previously had discussed the project they talked about 600 people, but haven’t heard any new numbers. They don’t know who the contractor is yet. Bridger plans a 56 mile pipeline.

Melissa Rost, O’Fallon Museum: They are planning a Frontier Days type event on Saturday, June 12 during the State High School rodeo finals. They plan throwback activities such as rope making, chuck wagon, Board branding, petting zoo, Mike Madler with his Deadwood Stage exhibit, Bluegrass music, wagon rides, games, stick horse races, jail & bail. Some shooters are interested in a quick draw event demonstration and maybe do a blank shoot exhibit at the HS rodeo.

Steve Zachmann, Mayor City of Baker: They are holding meetings to firm up the details on the street repairs and maintenance. They had 10 nominations for Citizen of the Year. The council chose Kim Cuppy. The award will be presented in April. They plan to hot mix pave all open areas in town after the water main project. George Ave. will be finished. The sewer main project will start soon. Steve recently met with Matt Rosendale and representatives of TransCanada to discuss the cancellation of the pipeline. TransCanada was 92% complete at the pump station near Baker.

Karol Zachmann, FMC: Health Fair will be held April 28. Healthy Lifestyles starts soon. Mammo Whammo Golf Tournament will be June 12. FMC was recognized at a top 100 CAH again this year.

Steve moved and Karol seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting is Thursday, April 8 at noon at Thee Garage.
