December 2023 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday December 14th, 2023 at the OS Brew at 5:30pm

Members Present: Alissa Miller (President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Tammy O’Donnell (Secretary), Dean Wang, Steve Zachmann, Melissa Rost, Roy Rost, Marty Asay, Robin Asay, Jodi Varner, Jeff Varner

Staff Present: Mariah Miller (Executive Director, Rec Director)

Alissa called meeting to order at 5:40pm

Tammy made a motion to approve November minutes with corrections, Melissa seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Executive Director Report: 

There is one more week of Be a Winner/Shop in Baker event, keep signing up at participating businesses, must be 18 years or older to enter in the drawing. Thank you to everyone who purchased a Christmas Discount Card, the winning number 0160, Lisa Dulin was the winner of the $500 Baker Bucks. The 2024 Membership forms are being mailed out, and the form can be found on our website.

Rec Department Update:

 Volleyball will start January 2nd Kinder-2nd will be from 4:00-5:00pm and 3rd-6th will be from 5:00-6:00pm. Preschool Tumbling starts January 4th with classes Thursday 10:15-11 and Friday 10:15-11 and 11:15-12. Registrations are up on our Facebook page and website. Paper forms can be found in the Chamber Office. Baker Jam is set for April 6th and 7th. Sign up by texting REC to 844-637-1082 for updates regarding the Rec Department activities.

Old Business

Ag Banquet:

 The Ag Banquet committee will be selling tables to business, each table costs $400 and seats 8, the Banquet is January 14th at 5:00pm at Thee Garage and Steakhouse

Baker Jam:

The Rec will be looking for refs and teams, will be on April 6th and 7th

New Board Member: 

The Chamber is still in search of a new board member, elections will be in January

Other Old Business

New Business:

Bull Riding- selling tickets: 

Will take place December 29th and 30th, the Chamber will be selling 50/50 tickets to raise money for the Chamber Scholarship, the Chamber gives a scholarship to one Ekalaka, Baker, and Plevna student

Other New Business:

Reports from Members:

Karol Zachmann with FMC- Murder Mystery Valentine is February 10th

Steve Zachmann with the city- 2 New members, Randy Morris and Nancy Strain Ravage, will be joining the board starting January 1st, 2024

Marty Asay- The Lakeview Country Club will be getting a new deck, starting as soon as they can

Melissa Rost- December 17th will be the last Sunday for “Christmas at the Museum”, Beth Regan from Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center is going to do Family Activities with O’Fallon Historical Museum, the O’Fallon Historical Society received a grant to add an addition to the North Side of the Building

Adjournment: Tammy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:00pm, Steve seconded, all in favor, motion carried

**Next Meeting Thursday January 4th,2024 at NOON at The Tavern**
