January 2024 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday January 4th, 2024 at The Big Casino Game and Tavern at NOON

Members Present: Marty Asay, Alissa Miller (President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Pam Owens, Jennefer Wheeler, Dean Wang, Tammy O’Donnell, Pastor James Parks, Vaughn Zenko, Josey Madler, Steve Zachmann, Jamie Updike, James Whitney, Tyler Newcombe, Roy Rost, Pam Nelson, Kevin Braun

Staff Present: Mariah Miller (Executive Director, Rec Director)

Alissa call the meeting to order at 12:03pm

Karol made a motion to approve Decembers minutes, Marty seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Executive Director Report:

The Chamber is planning their Ag Banquet for January 14th at Thee Garage and Steakhouse’s showroom, the event will start at 5:00pm, if anyone is interested in purchasing a table for this event this call the Chamber at 406-778-2266 or contact Mariah at 406-851-1539. The Job Fair committee will meet January 11th in the Bank of Baker’s board room, if any businesses are interested in being in this event please contact the Chamber or Mariah for details. Thank you to everyone who participated in all the Christmas events throughout December all to those who helped out. Memberships were sent out to business with a membership letter, membership form, and a rec donation form, thank you to all businesses who have returned their forms to be a 2024 Chamber member.

Rec Department update:

The conex for the Rec department will be delivered soon to Baker High School. The conex will be set in the back parking lot of the high school. A Safe Sitter class will be taking place in March. Volleyball and Tumbling started with all classes being filled. 

Guest Speaker: Elsie Artzen

Elsie Artzen is a lifelong resident of Montana. She was a teacher for 23 years and has served in politics for 20 years, she was a senator for 4 years and a house member for 8 years. She currently holds the position of Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction. Elsie is a 4th generation Montanan and a Billings native, she believes the Republican conference needs a voice that puts Family, Montana, and America first.Elsie will work for the people, especially keeping in mind the ranchers, farmers, and pipelines. She wants to work on keeping schools a safe place to work for teachers, Ballots drop in 122 days for the primary campaign. Elsie will be at Thee Garage and Steakhouse tonight in the showroom starting at 6:30, anyone is welcomed to attend and present her with questions or concerns they may have. If anyone is interested in getting in contact with her, she stated you can get a hold of her at 406-698-7845. Elsie will run for congress only if Matt Rosendale decides to run for Senator. 

Old Business:

Badland Bulls

 Thank you to everyone who showed up and bought 50/50 tickets from the Chamber table. The Chamber made 1,010 for their three scholarships they give out

Other Old Business:

New Business:

Ag Banquet

The Baker Chamber will be hosting an Ag Appreciation Banquet on January 14th starting at 5:00pm at Thee Garage and Steakhouse in their showroom. There will be two speakers, cowboy poetry and Dinner provided. The Chamber planned this event to bring recognition to the Ag community. Tables are being sold for $400, each table seats 8 people, if anyone is interested in purchasing a table please contact Mariah at 406-778-2266

Job Fair

The job fair is planned to be set sometime in March, businesses can set up a table to show what their business offers, hands -on activities seem to be the most popular when it comes to students visiting those tables.  The idea of the Job Fair is to show students all that Fallon County has to offer. 

Pictures for 2025 Ag Calendar

Start sending in pictures for the 2025 Ag Calendars, picking of pictures will be done in June of this year. 

Other New Business:

Reports from Members:

Josey Madler- Classy Cactus is busy right now taking down Christmas decorations and reorganizing for next season

Kevin Braun- Fallon was one of 49 counties in Montana that levied 77 mills for the schools instead of the standard 95.  They did this to prevent the governor from using the excess 19 mills for expenses not related to school funding.  The Montana Supreme Court ruled the counties are required to levy 95 mills regardless of the amount of school funding needed.   These 19 mills will be added back on the Fallon County tax roll but due to other mill levy reductions tax payers will not see an increase on their tax bill.

Karol Zachmann - Friends of the FMC Foundation will have a Murder Mystery Dinner with the The Murder Mystery Company. The Theme will be Good Riddance: A Gnarly 90’s Murder Mystery Dinner. This event will take place at the Fallon County Exhibit Hall on February 10th starting with a social hour at 6:00pm. Tickets go on sale soon. Fallon Medical Complex will be having a “Lunch and Learn”, the guest speaker for this event will be Mary Tvedt. Mary Tvedt is a Dietitian, she will talk about The anti-inflammatory approach to heart health and other chronic conditions. This event will be held Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 from NOON to 1:00pm in the FMC Dining room. Everyone is invited to attend. (call Karol) February is heart health month proceeds from the dance will go towards equipment. Grid United Grant?

Steve Zachmann- The City welcomed two more members, Randy Morris for Ward one and Nancy Strain Ravage for Ward 2. Two projects were closed out, completion was almost reached. The City would like sidewalks to be cleared off before 7:30 in business districts so the City can get the snow cleared out. The City is also working on getting the Ice Rink filled.

Jamie Updike - The radio station is staying busy with Basketball

Pastor James Parks - The First Baptist Church is offering a biblical finance class on Wednesday nights starting at 7:00pm, Dave Ramsey will be teaching the class

Jennefer Wheeler - Badland Bulls was last weekend and went really well. The Fallon County Fairgrounds may have events coming up in February

Pam Owens - Beautification committee is looking for people to join. The committee currently has 4 members. The committee is planning on planting trees down the boulevard of Highway 12

James Whitney- Marty Asay is taking the Finance Chair for the Fallon Republican Committee

Pam Nelson- Junction 39 is doing good, they appreciate customer support through their first year. There have been many visitors to the store coming from all over like Miles City, Williston, Bowman, Hettinger, and many other places

Melissa Rost- The O’Fallon Historical Museum is busy taking down Christmas and regrouping for the new year

Vaughn Zenko-  SMART has done everything they can to the Baker State Building before the snow got here. The roof was completed before the snow came, they are planning on what they are going to do to  the upstairs area. The Visitor Center is on hold until Spring. The Women in Blue Jeans group received the Red Ants Pants Grant. The Pocket Park is at a point where nothing else can be done until the Spring time. SMART is putting out bids for a carpenter for planter boxes for the park. An old school house is potentially moving into Plevna. The Childcare location is coming along nicely. It is planned to be done around the end of the school year. There will be 20 spots when they first open but are working with Headstart to hopefully have 20 more spots open in August. Community Theatre was successful in selling out every performance and raising $3,000. There will future performances taking place on May 31st, Jun1st, June 8th, and June 9th

Marty Asay- Andrea Degrand was rehired as manager of the Lakeview Country Club

Adjournment: Marty motioned to adjourn meeting at 12:58, Vaughn seconded, all in favor, motion carried

**Next Meeting Thursday February 1st, 2024 at NOON at The Frosted Flour Bakery**
