January 2020 Minutes

January 9, 2020, Baker Club

Members present: Karol & Steve Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Alissa Miller, Trish Barth, Nick Schumacher, Merri Beck, Gretchen Mahon, Beth Epley, Tasha Losing

Vice president Alissa Miller called the meeting to order.

Approval of Minutes: Karol moved to approve, Trish seconded, all in favor

Financial Report: Karol updated Quickbooks.


Calcutta: Approximately $7100 profit

2020 Membership: Karol passed out membership forms and will also e-mail them.

A committee was formed to work on the 2020 budget at the board meeting.


Nick Schumacher, Plevna School: FFA and basketball are having competitions. They are putting together surveys and community meetings to investigate the possibility of having a Plevna volleyball team.

Beth Epley, EPEDC: She, Shanny Gion and the city submitted application for the city to be part of a Main Street Vitalization Program. She is writing training grants that will pay employers up to $2000 per employee for training. She is reapplying for her grant funding. The Montana Economic Development Assn and Montana Chamber are having a meeting Tuesday, Jan. 21 in Glendive to look at community development needs.

Steve Zachmann, City of Baker: There are 2 new aldermen, Brittany Hoversland and Tracey Goerndt. Pat Ehret was elected president of the council. There will be a public hearing on SID’s. The city crew is checking curb stops and water supplies to businesses. The will do a water main project later this year. Oil in the sewer system is being investigated. It’s possible it isn’t actually coming from the north side of town. The Americanism Program will be Jan. 28 at 7 pm at the Longfellow gym.

SMART/EMEDA: The childcare project is making progress. They are working on getting property. There were 200 replies to the survey and the responses showed a need for 160 spots for childcare.

Karol Zachmann, FMC: Foundation still has cookbooks for sale. They are putting out the word looking for contractors to remodel Parkview Complex 1.

Gretchen Mahon announced that the credit union has changed their name to Grasslands Federal Credit Union.

Trish moved to adjourn the meeting. Merri seconded. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned

Next meeting will be Feb. 6th
