January 2023 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Board Meeting

Thursday January 4th, 2023 at the Thee Garage and Steakhouse at NOON.

Members present: Alissa Miller (President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Tammy O’Donnell (Secretary), Josey Madler, Linda Howard, Lisa Hastig, Darcy Wassmann, James Parks, Marty Asay, Steve Zachmann, Timberly Kelly, Melissa Rost, Roy Rost, and Vaughn Zenko.

Staff Present:  Melissa Higbee, Executive Director

Alissa called meeting to order at 12:03pm.

Josey made a motion to approve the minutes from last month and Vaughn seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report: December was a busy month. I unfortunately had an appendectomy surgery at the end of November and was out the first couple of weeks. I think I could have sold all the cards that we purchased if I would have been at full capacity. I sold over 80 cards in two days before Thanksgiving. I sent out 81 invoices for renewal membership via email and 59 letters for new/returning membership. I need to get more Ag addresses. I got the Square for online payments up and running. And gave Kassidee the link and she put it on her google doc form for the Rec Department to do online payment processing. Community Garage Sale and Casino Night are some fundraising ideas.

Old Business:

Christmas Activities and Events Recap: Melissa stated that the parade went very good with lots of participation. We have a better accurate account for how many goodie bags to buy for next year for the Santa at the Firehall. The number at the end of the parade was fun and I really think the Baker Chamber Discount Card was a hit this year. I want to tell Tammy thank you for picking up all the entries for Be a Winner Shop in Baker. I really appreciate that. Overall, I think the Christmas Season went very well.

By-Laws Committee Update and Adoption: The by-laws are almost finished being adopted. As soon as they are signed Melissa will up load them to our website.

Nominating Committee Candidates:  Josey Madler has been nominated to be on the Board of Directors. As well as, Linda Howard has also been nominated to be on the Board of Directors.

Rec Department Committee Update:  Alissa reported Kassidee put in her two-week notice. We will be looking to hire someone for the 20 hour a week position. Volleyball has started and Preschool Tumbling started today. We are going to be heavily soliciting for Rec Department donations soon.

Baker Adventure Book Update: The book has sold enough copies to pay for itself. Still trying to sell more.

Other Old Business: None.

New Business:

Ag Promotion Ideas:  Melissa stated that she would like to do more for the ag community. She would like to have ag pictures posted on the Facebook page from different ranchers, farmers, and producers. Then choose pictures to create a calendar by 2024. Vaughn suggested to choose 2 a month until June. This will give us plenty of time to create the calendar then. Alissa stated another idea she would like to see is an Ag banquet this year. Invite all and put on a nice supper with music. This will encourage the ag community to be more involved with our Chamber.

Other New Business:   

Reports from Members:

Linda reported that Newell Media will be working on hiring a part time to fulltime replacement employee soon. Also needing another parttime employee in a couple of months.

Josey reported that Classy Cactus is gearing up for Valentine’s Day.

Vaughn reported that SMART awarded the first Tourism Grant for the Visitor Center in the old Wospeka building. SMART is still waiting on to hear back from the 2nd Tourism Grant Application. The Montana Historical Preservation Grant looks like it might be funded to fix the roof of the Old Baker State Bank Building. The Baker Arts and Culture Council had its first fundraiser at Thee Garage with Country Christmas event with a band and silent auction. The Council will be putting on a play in June called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Looking for help to build stuff if anybody knows someone. The Cards of Christmas Cheer turned our fantastic 300 cards filled out. Residents got 6 cards a piece in the long-term care units and assisted livings. Planning board is having public meeting please come to discuss the Growth Policy for Fallon County. The dates are January 12th, 19th, and 26th. The first one at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall, then Plevna Community Center and last at Thee Garage Showroom.

Marty Asay reported for the Lakeview Country Club. He said that he will be attending more chamber meeting to get the golf course more involved into the Chamber.

Roy Rost reported the County has hired Jennifer Wheeler for the fairgrounds manager. The fair is coming up on its !00th anniversary this year. Projects: County is tagging along with the City on a project on a bridge on 6th St.

Melissa Rost with the O’Fallon Historical Museum reported they are starting a senior programming to visit the seniors with artifacts and photos.

Plevna Schools with Timberly Kelly stated they are tackling a learning loss over Covid and the test scores are showing that. Basketball has started. Also, they have been approved for 6-man football but need a contractor to redo the football field. FFA and BPA are going good as well.

James Parks with First Baptist Church stated they had to reschedule their Christmas play due to the blizzard but all was good when they had it.

Karol Zachmann with FMC reported the residents loved the Christmas Cards that SMART did for them. The hospital has a new system and please call them if the bills are in error. Planning an open house for the new providers. Karol stated fundraising planning is in the making.

The City of Baker with Mayor Steve Zachmann stated they are getting a new garbage truck finally. CGI has completed the City of Baker’s Promotional video and it will be ready to use on websites really soon. County has terminated the costs of the Parks and Rec Department. Please vote for your Citizen of the Year by January 30th.

EPEDC with Alissa stated she has resigned from her position there. Her replacement will be out of Glendive.

Other Announcements: Melissa Rost invited people to the Historical Society Meeting on Sunday January 15th at 2pm.

Adjournment: Linda motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:44pm. Karol seconded the motion.


**Next Meeting Thursday February 2nd, 2023 at NOON at Compass Coffee**




