June 2020 Minutes

June 2020 Baker Chamber of Commerce Minutes - June 10, 2020, McLain Park

Members present: Jade Boggs, Karol Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Dean Wang, Margie Losing, Steve Zachmann, Alissa Miller, Merri Beck

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Karol moved to approve the May 6 meeting minutes and May 18 special meeting minutes. Alissa seconded. All in favor

Financial Report: Karol & Trish got the QuickBooks postings updated. Will print to have a budget meeting. Karol will take the laptop to Rachel’s Accounting to get filings completed. Still have a bill for the Fallon County Times to pay and phone bill. Received a donation from Hayden Ranch for $50 for Bingo prize. Tammy will send a thank you.


$250 Scholarship recipients: Baker - Mattie Mastel, O’Connell Qualley and Halle Burdick. Ekalaka - Hannah & Heather LaBree

2020 Budget: Committee will meet when we get QuickBook info. Karol made a motion to add Margie to committee, Dean seconded. All in favor.


Chamber Bingo: No winners yet. Decided to place another ad in the paper using their “Think Big” special in June. Will also put out more cards and add the new members to the new cards.

Calcutta: October 3. Kyle Shobe’s band will play. Merri moved and Margie seconded to make the theme “Country Chic”. Dean will have Kade make tickets again this year once we get bids to know how much the meals will cost. Plan to hold it at the fairgrounds this year since they will have the dishes. Will have to send out letters to caterers for bids.

Crazy Days and 3 on 3 basketball tournament will be July 31 & August 1. Alissa will do flyers and get them distributed for the tournament. Will put the entry deadline for the week before the event. Jade talked to the youth center about using their court. Dean said we can use the bank parking lot.

Other announcements: Karol announced that the Mammo Whammo golf tournament was cancelled. Next year they will have the 1st annual After Covid tournament. The Murder Mystery will be held Dec. 5 with a theme of 1980. Tammy announced Fallon County Times is having a sale on advertising for the month of June  - the “Think Big” special. SMART bought the Insurance Store building. New members include Runnings, Thee Garage, Compass Coffee.

Next meeting will be July 2 at Thee Garage
