May 2020 minutes (Board only - no general meeting)

May 2020 Baker Chamber of Commerce Board Minutes - May 6, 2020, via Zoom

Members present: Jade Boggs, Karol Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Dean Wang, Shanny Spang Gion, Margie Losing, Trish Barth

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Dean moved to approve the March & April 28 special meeting minutes. Karol seconded. All in favor

Financial Report: Filings are all done. Has telephone bill to pay. Trish will help Karol run QuickBooks reports


We will have Rachel’s Accounting do the 990 Tax Filing

2020 budget: Trish, Alissa, Tammy & Dean will meet when the QuickBooks reports are available.

Scholarships: We had 14 applications and all but 1 met the qualifications. 2 from Ekalaka and 11 from Baker will be considered. Shanny and Trish are on the committee and they will ask Alissa. Will meet Friday to choose. We will give 1 to Ekalaka and 3 to Baker.


Chamber Bingo: Alissa is working on this. She got Shyla Hadley to set up the board. She contacted paid members  to see what they want on their square if they aren’t a retail business. We set a budget of $500. Shanny asked the SMART board and they agreed to donate $250 towards it from the COVID relief fund. Each prize will be $25 and we will run it until the money is gone. 

Calcutta: Dean moved and Tammy seconded to hold the Calcutta on October 3. Kyle Shobe’s band is available that day. Dean will confirm with him. We need to come up with a theme and will get tickets printed as soon as we get a theme.

Crazy Days and 3 on 3 basketball tournament will be July 31 & August 1.

Shanny reported that Tayla Snapp of TC Energy wants to do a pamphlet of restaurants and other businesses for their crew. They would like for businesses to have extended hours for their workers.

Karol reported that the Mammo Whammo is set for June 13 if they are allowed to hold it. The Murder Mystery is tentatively set for July 18.

May 18, 2020 special meeting Baker Chamber of Commerce via Zoom

Members present: Jade Boggs, Karol Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Dean Wang, Shanny Spang Gion, Alissa Miller, Trish Barth, Merri Beck

President Jade Boggs called the meeting to order.

Discussed handling delivery of food from local restaurants to fairgrounds during high school rodeo. Alissa will get menus from the restaurants to have at the fairgrounds and will do set hours. Jade and Tammy offered to help with deliveries. Dean wondered if that would be considered to be a vendor with the health board. Decided not to do goody bags this year.

Runnings had mailed Trish a membership check in February, so they are a paid member.

Karol checked on reserving the park for the meeting and they aren’t taking reservations, so we will just show up there and hope it’s available for our June meeting, June 10.

Compass Coffee is a non-profit and is looking for places to donate. They asked for suggestions of places to donate.

Scholarship winners were Mattie Mastel, O’Connell Qualley, Halle Burdick from Baker and Hanna and Heather LaBree from Ekalaka.

There haven’t been any Bingo winners yet.

Karol will order chicken from Reynolds for the June meeting. It has been moved to the 2nd week in June due to the high school rodeo.

Trish moved to adjourn the meeting. Tammy seconded. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting will be June 10 at the city park with food catered by Reynolds.
