June 2023 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday June 1st, 2023 at The Tavern at NOON.

Members present: Alissa Miller (President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Tammy O’Donnell (Secretary), Jennefer Wheeler, James Parks, Steve Zachmann, Josey Madler, Dean Wang, Vaughn Zenko, Darcy Wassman, and Lisa Hastig.

Staff Present:  Melissa Higbee, Executive Director and Mariah Miller, Chamber Assistant

Alissa called meeting to order at 12:07pm.

Karol made a motion to approve the minutes from last month and Tammy seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report:

Melissa reported she would like to show you guys the ad she helped put together in the Travel Guide. She has 50 of them if you want to put some in your businesses you are more than welcomed to do so. Heritage Fest is this Saturday and I am super excited we are a part of this. Car Show is this Saturday as will 11am to 3pm at the Bank of Baker parking lot. I have been in touch with all the new businesses that are upcoming to town. The Frosted Flour would like our support on her Grand Opening Day. Buzz is looking at opening in July. She will keep me posted when she would like me to come in. Lil Cuties Fuel Stop is excited we want to come support them as well but they are not opening until sometime in June. They will keep me updated they said. And we have Rural Revival Med Spa soft opening this week. I am going to go get iv therapy and some shots on Friday and she said we can do a little reveal with the chamber but her waiting room/Iv room is not done. I will go back and do another when it is completely finished. She is excited to have the chambers support as well.

Rec Department Committee Update:

Mariah reported the Safe Sitter Class will do two different sessions in June. One June 9th and one June 23rd hours are 9am to 3:30pm. Upcoming summer programs are Football Camp July 17th and 18th. 4th of July will be doing 5K and a sandcastle contest. Art Camp will be July 10th and 14th followed by the Baker Art Walk on July 15th. 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be July 21st and July 22nd the 3rd-6th graders play the first day and the 7th -12th graders play the next day. Kaleb Referno will be coaching a Soccer Skills Camp August 1st-3rd. Mission to the Moon Stem Camp will be July 19th-21st and Home Waters Stem Camp will be July 24th -July 26th.



Old Business:


·       Crazy Dayz and Crazy Nightz/ 3 on 3 Tournament: 

Passed around sign-up sheets for both events.

·       Scholarship Update:  Melissa reported that Nathan Schallenberger and Walker Hadley of Baker and Jaeda Paul of Plevna and Heidi LaBree of Ekalaka were the recipients for the Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture $250 Scholarship Reward.



Other Old Business:  None

New Business:

·       4th of July: Boat Parade needs participates and donations for prizes Melissa stated. This event will be on the 4th of July at 9:20pm. There will be a Captains meeting at the chamber office on June 28th at 5:30pm to register and get the rules.

·       Fall Festival: Alissa reported we have a date for the Fall Festival this year it will be on September 30th.

Reports from Members:   Jennefer reported for the Fallon County Fairgrounds that they will be having a drive-in movie on Saturday June 24th at 9pm. Tickets on sale June 9th. There will be concessions. Steve Zachmann stated that the Mystic Movie Theater in Marmarth ND will be showing a movie that day as well. James Parks reported that VBS starts on June 17th   thru June 22nd at the First Baptist Church. James stated they are having a summer camp in 4 Corners, Wyoming. Jr Teen will be going July 17th thru the 24th and Teens will be going July 24th thru the 28th. Let James know if you are interested this camp is free. Vaughn Zenko reported that Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat will be on June 9th ,10th, 15th, and 16th. Also, construction has started on the Visitor’s Center. The Demo work has begun and landscaper for the pocket park is in place. Baker Art Walk will be July 15th. Artists can contact SMART if interested in being apart of the Baker Art Walk this year. Vaughn reported for Port Authority will be heading up a 40-slot childcare center. We have a building in place to purchase. Other news, Vaughn reported there is a big red ant on the top part of Junction 39. This is part of a scavenger hunt game the Red Ants Pants Foundation is doing this year. You have to find 2 red ants in different rural communities throughout the state and take your picture with them and enter in the drawing for 2 VIP Red Ants Pants Festival worth $2,000. Steve Zachmann reported for the City of Baker that the watermain on 4th St. is complete and the tank is in good shape. 6th St watermain project is starting and temp water is being put in. Lisa and Todd Passmore have taken over the caretaking of the City’s Parks and let the city know if something needs attention at the any of the city’s parks. Karol Zachmann reported for Fallon Medical Complex that the Mammo Whammo is coming up. This is a fundraiser for FMC and it is next weekend June 10th. The golf event will have mulligans, a chipping contest, and lunch and dinner included. Also, a 50/50 will be going on too. Josey reported that she is doing a plant and sip at the golf course and gearing up for wedding season at the shop. Tammy reported that June is the Fallon County Times full page special $150 for black and white and $200 for color.

Other Announcements:  Jennefer reported the Fairgrounds picked the entertainment and it will be JoDee Messina on Friday night instead of Saturday night like usual. Fair tickets go on sale next week. The fair will have monster trucks in the fair this year and a monster truck show on Saturday night. Extreme Broncs might happen in September. Steve stated there is a double header baseball game tonight. Steve also touched on the housing conference that Vaughn and him attending in Helena. Community land trust was learned Steve said. That is where you buy a property to build a house and land will remain in a trust. Seller of the home gets a percent when its sold. Buyer just pays for the house. Vaughn stated tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for child for the play and can be purchased online on the SMART website. Steve stated next City Council meeting is next Wednesday.

Adjournment: Vaughn made the motion to adjourn at 12:47pm. Josey seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.


**Next Meeting Thursday July 6th, 2023 at NOON at Heiser’s Bar and Casino Patio**




