May 2023 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday May 4th, 2023 at the Corner Bar at NOON.

Members present: Shyla Hadley (Vice-President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Jennefer Wheeler, James Parks, Steve Zachmann, Josey Madler, Jade Boggs, Rose Sampson, Mary Graham, Beth Epley

Staff Present:  Melissa Higbee, Executive Director and Mariah Miller, Chamber Assistant

Shyla called meeting to order at 12:04pm.

Jennefer made a motion to approve the minutes from last month and Beth seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report:

Working on Rec Grant to buy equipment for the Rec Department with Alissa and Mariah. Helping with the Rec to get donations for the helmets. Helping with Track and Field. I am signed up to take CPR First Aid and the AED. This will be good for the Rec Department when I do help out. Helping with Heritage Fest putting out flyers. Don’t forget to come out June 3rd to the O’Fallon Historical Museum. Sign up for the Friends of Reynolds program and choose the Baker Chamber if you are not supporting a nonprofit organization yet. Piper Christiaens won the Easter Basket.

Rec Department Committee Update:

We are no longer doing Junior Chippers as the Golf Course board decided to keep it.

May 18th Rec Track Meet at 5:30 High School Track Field, we need 24 volunteers to help have 6 so far. Summer Football July 17th and 18th 1st-3rd 8:00-10:00, 4th-6th 10:00-12:00, will need T shirt Sponsors, Jay Hoversland will coach, Safe Sitter Date set for June 9th 9:00-3:30, have been talking to Beth from Eastern Montana Health Community in Miles City, they will Sponsor all we need for this class, will get back to me once they get state approval. 3 on 3 July 21st and 22nd, Wibaux will have one the same weekend but will run Saturday and Sunday with different age groups than us. 

 Old Business:

        Volunteer Appreciation Supper Update:  Melissa reported that the Volunteer Appreciation Supper went well and we will be doing it next year. Also, Melissa thanked everyone who brought food for the event it was much appreciated.

·       SNIP Vendor Show: This fundraiser for the Rec Department went very well and we would like to do it again next year.

 Other Old Business:  None

 New Business:

·       Crazy Dayz and Crazy Nightz/ 3 on 3 Tournament:  Dates for this will be July 21st and July 22nd. We are still working out the details for the Crazy Nightz part on July 22nd.

·       Light up the Lake Boat Parade:  Look for info coming out on this again this year. Spread the word if you have a boat or know someone that does let’s get them signed up.


Reports from Members:  Jennefer reported for the Fallon Fairgrounds that the Circus is coming to town on May 18th. Tickets are for sell online. Rose and Mary reported the Classic Cruisers Car Show is coming up on June 3rd 11am-3pm. Karol reported for FMC the Mammo Whammo will be June 10th. Steve reported for the City of Baker approval of irrigation for Justin Moser, request for a petition for the property Trish Rost owns, SID to move ahead was approved. James reported for First Baptist Church VBS is coming up June 19th-22nd. Josey reported for Classy Cactus is getting ready for Mother’s Day. Beth reported for EPEDC her last day will be June 9th. Terra Burman is replacing Beth at EPEDC as the new Director. They will try to hire someone in Baker to be a parttime FADC and keep the Baker Office open is their hopes.

Other Announcements:

Adjournment: Josey made the motion to adjourn at 12:25pm. Jade seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

 **Next Meeting Thursday June 1st, 2023 at NOON at Heiser’s Bar and Casino Patio**




