March 2020 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture

March 4, 2020, The Tavern

Members present: Karol Zachmann, Tammy O’Donnell, Dean Wang, Mona Madler, Nick Schumacher, Gretchen Mahon, Beth Epley, Katy Becker

Karol Zachmann called the meeting to order.

Mona moved to approve the Feb. minutes. Nick seconded. All in favor

Financial Report : Karol got the Montana State filing done.


Karol e-mailed reminders with the application for unpaid memberships

Budget committee met before Feb. meeting and need final numbers from 2019 to complete.


Discussed setting a date for Crazy days 3 on 3 basketball tournament and holding a 50/50 drawing for the Extreme Bulls competition in June.


JoDee Pratt, Mayor City of Baker: SID hearings have been held. Grasslands FCU offered funds to help with city flowers. (Mona talked about beautification committee. They have a flag service and purchased the flower pots for the businesses.) JoDee mentioned needing a clearing house for people looking for rentals and rentals that are available. It was mentioned that the SMART office has been serving in that capacity.

Nick Schumacher, Plevna Public Schools: Upcoming events include Academic Olympics, BPA State, FCCLA State, Music Festival, State FFA. Track meets start Monday. The office is planning for next year. There will be several maintenance projects and remodels this summer. They are replacing the entire HVAC system fully funded by a DLA Grant.

Steve Zachmann, EMEDA: They are moving forward with the childcare project. They need 2 more board members. The Facade Improvement Grant will probably wind down the end of this year.

Gretchen Mahon, Grasslands Federal Credit Union: They will hold a Meet & Greet on March 19 at the Red River Inn to make people aware of everything they offer.

Beth Epley, EPEDC: EPEDC helped write the DLA grant for $750,000 for the city water Project and the Plevna School project. City of Baker was accepted into the Main Street Program. They got an additional $8,000 for the childcare grant. They worked with SMART & EMEDA to apply for a grant to work on the jail building at the museum.

Baker Assembly of God Church bought the Lawler’s coffee shop. They are doing renovations and hope to open the beginning of May.

Deb Ranum, Fallon County Commissioner: They are doing a remodel of Parkview 1 apartments. They have received 1 more permit for box culvert. She went over a list of money the county has given to the city since 2011. It comes to approx. $20-25 million. Town of Plevna got $1 million for their water system and their park was rebuilt. Oil and gas revenue is down but they will have enough to maintain county functions. A $5 million loan was given to the City. The county is working on a project for the Community Cupboard. It is part of the Senior Citizen building and will be torn down and rebuilt.

Dean Wang mentioned that volunteers are needed for the State High School Rodeo in June.

Katy Becker is a new business account manager for Baker Ace Hardware. They are now having a March Sale.

Karol Zachmann, Fallon Medical Complex: Mental Health lunch & learn will be March 18. Health Fair April 29. Passed out a donor letter. Close-up group is serving lunch. FMC was recognized as a to 100 critical access hospital.

JoDee Pratt moved to adjourn the meeting. Mona seconded. All in favor

Next meeting will be April 2 at Plevna School. (Note: The April meeting was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic)
