March 2024 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday March 7th, 2024 at The Coffee House at Lawler’s

Members Present: Shyla Hadley (Vice President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Jackie Martin, Marty Asay, Steve Zachmann, Josey Madler, Melissa Rost, Roy Rost, Tammy O’Donnell, Dean Wang, James Parks 

Staff Members: Mariah Miller (Executive Director, Rec Director)

Shyla called meeting to order at 12:01pm

Josey made a motion to accept the February minutes, Dean seconded motion, all in favor, motion carried

Executive Director Report:

The Career/Job fair is April 25th at Baker High School, the event will start at 8:30 am with set up for businesses starting at 8:00am, and will end at 11:45 am. If you are interested in being a part of this event please call the Chamber at 406-778-2266, or email at The Chamber will be doing the Easter Egg Hunt again this year. The event will start on March 23rd and end on March 29th, the winning ticket will be drawn on March 30th on Facebook live.

Rec Director Report:

The Showcase for the Preschool Music and Dance, Martial Arts, and Dance programs is set for April 2nd at the Longfellow Gym. The Rec Department is still looking for volunteers for Baker Jam

Old Business:

Career Fair

The Career/Job Fair is set for April 25th starting at 8:30 am and ending at 11:45 am, Baker School 7th-12th grade will attend, if you are interested in being a part of this event please contact the Chamber at 406-778-2266, or email

Baker Jam

The Rec Department is still looking for volunteers for Baker Jam, if you are interested in helping, please contact Chamber at 406-778-2266

Other Old Business

New Business

Quarterly Sponsorship

The Rec Department will be sending our quarterly donations again for our upcoming programs Preschool Playtime at the Museum and Kinder-5th grade Track

Safe Sitter

The Rec Department will be offering a Safe Sitter class on March 23rd, if you are interested in this class please contact Mariah at 406-851-1539

Other New Business


Shyla mentioned if anyone has any ideas for events they would like to have in town, please contact the Chamber at 406-778-2266

Reports from Members

Jackie Martin- There will be a Kids Carnival for Mykalea Craig on April 21st at Thee Garage and Steakhouse’s Showroom, Jackie is looking for businesses who would be interested in donating either prizes or towards the silent auction that will be taking place that day. There will be lots of games for the youth in the community and also a pool and cornhole tournament for ages 15-18. Jackie is also looking for anyone who would be interested in volunteering for this event. All proceeds will being going to Mykalea Craig

Josey Madler- Classy Cactus is busy getting flowers ready for prom

Melissa Rost- There will be a zoom meeting regarding the grant that was given to the Historical Society for the addition onto the O’Fallon Historical Museum will be on April 4th at 5:30pm at the O’Fallon Historical Museum. MOMSI will be starting up in May

Roy Rost- The County will be opening a bid April 1st to remove the old Exhibit Hall sitting at the Fallon County Fairgrounds. The Montana Chamber of Commerce is giving a 50 million dollar grant that would include Fallon County in it. 

Dean Wang- The Bank of Baker is cleaning out their storage room, they will have filing cabinets that will be given away if anyone is interested in them

Karol Zachmann- Fallon Medical Complex will be having a Lunch and Learn March 19th with Sheriff- Trent Harbaugh, and Undersheriff- Nic Eisele about the dangers of fentanyl and 7 other dangerous drugs. This event is free to attend, unless you choose to purchase a lunch, the event will be taking place in the FMC dining room. Karol has Forms to fill out if anyone is interested in being a part of the Health Fair that is taking place on April 24th at the Baker High School Gym

Steve Zachmann- SMART- Women in Blue Jeans is having an event on March 19th from 4:00 to 8:00pm at the Fallon County Exhibit Hall. The City will no longer be offering the choice to listen in to meetings by phone call, they are discussing different options such as Zoom with live links posted on the website, there will also be a moderator present during these meetings to keep track of comments. 3 nominations were entered for citizen of the year, Vaughn Zenko won the Citizen of the Year award. The City is reviewing DOT plans to replace The Bridge on Highway 7. EMEDA’s childcare project is on to the next stage, three bids were opened for this project. There will be a discussion on bids and site work at the SMART office. Headstart wants to come down and collaborate with EMEDA on a daycare facility on Texas Ave. 

James Parks- The First Baptist Church is celebrating 93 years on March 17th. Vacation Bible school will be taking place the week after the 4th of July, times will take place in the afternoon. The First Baptist Church is also looking into opening a childcare program on Fridays.

Syla Hadley- The Baker Chamber of Commerce is looking for anyone who interested in being a board member for the Chamber

Adjournment: Tammy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:55, James seconded, all in favor, motion passed
