November 2022 Minutes

Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture General Meeting

Thursday November 3rd, 2022 at the Baker Bowling Center at NOON.

Members present:  Shyla Hadley (Vice-President), Karol Zachmann (Treasurer), Tammy O’Donnell (Secretary), Melissa Rost, Roy Rost, Beth Epley, Steve Zachmann, James Parks, Shawn Wiseman, and Staci Knuths.

Staff Present:  Melissa Higbee, Executive Chamber Director and Kassidee Downing, Chamber Assistant

Shyla called meeting to order at 12:02pm.

Beth made a motion to approve the minutes and Tammy 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Director Report: Melissa reported the month was a hard month, had to take some time off. However, I did go to a Child Abuse Prevention Training that was put on by the City of Baker. We will be looking into how we can change our policies so we can be proactive in helping prevent child abuse. I went to the Quick Books training in Glendive. The training was very informative and much needed in learning Quick Books. Trick or Treating Downtown was a success. The Chamber bought $200 worth of candy and only had a half a bucket left. Moonlight Madness was a success. Everything else is in the agenda.

Old Business:

Christmas Stroll: Melissa reported we are adding something new to the town’s Christmas Stroll. Sew What will be printing off plastic cards (like a credit card) that will say Merry Christmas, have a four-digit number on it, and say from the Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture. This card will be used to coincide with the Parade of Lights and the lucky person who purchased a card may see their number on the last float in the parade then that person wins $500 in Baker Chamber Bucks. The card will also be used as a discount card at participating businesses. Tammy reported the Date for the Christmas Stroll will be December 8th. The timeline for festivities will be 4-6 Santa Pictures at Fire Hall bring can good for a photo with Santa. FMC will be serving soup and bread from 5-7 for the Festival of Trees at Thee Garage Showroom. The parade will start at 7pm. Stores will be open late until 7pm as well.

Month of December Christmas Light Contest: This year instead of the Christmas Light Contest the Chamber will do a Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt. Local businesses gift cards will be the prize for the lucky winner.

By-Laws Committee Update: Shyla stated the committee is still in the process of updating the by-laws. We are changing the wording for voting on changing to be a Board of Directors decision not a member’s decision due to we never have 51% of the members at any meetings to have a quorum to vote. Other small changes will be made but we will get a copy to all members before approval via email.

Baker Date Night Book Proposal: Kassidee presented the book idea as a fundraiser for the Chamber and for promotion of businesses to participate in the book for couples and families to keep their date nights and family nights right here in Baker. Kassidee stated we are still waiting on the cost of the book to be printed. If anyone wants to be a participating business let Kassidee know.

Rec Committee Update: The Rec Committee met on Thursday 10/29. We finished football, soccer, and preschool sports. Now we are in basketball and preschool arts and crafts. In basketball, we had to add another class there were so many kids interested in playing basketball. Preschool arts and crafts are full as well. The parents have been very receptive to staying with their child to help do the preschool arts and crafts.  We are working on a volunteer application after going to the child abuse prevention workshop we notice we need something that is more concrete to the volunteering part of this program than just taking anyone that says they will volunteer. We need to screen our volunteers if they are working with our children. At the Rec Committee meeting we have almost finalized next years schedule.


New Business:

Christmas Party: Melissa brought up the idea to have a Christmas Party for the Chamber at the December Chamber meeting. Bring a $10 Christmas gift to exchange if you want to participate. Also let me know if you are going to participate in the party so I can let OS Brew Pub know we might be staying after our meeting to have a Christmas party.

Reports from Members: 

Mid-River’s Communication- Staci reported she is getting information on everyone’s Holiday Light Parade.

First Baptist Church- James reported that their kids’ program will be December 18th, the Community Choir will be December 4th at the Lutheran Church. James stated he had a friend who would love to do an Apple Festival here in Baker next October. December 10th in the morning will be the ladies crafting day this year.

EPEDC- Beth Epley updated the members on how Senator Bogner put the Baker Fall Festival as a feature in his video. Grants are out. Eastern Montana Tourism Initiative grant in out until November 27th. Montana Main Street Grant is out for planning until November 23rd and for impact until November 30th. Grants for trails are available right now as well.  Job Opening right now for a Community Development Specialist for EPEDC. ARPA grants awarded to the City of Baker, Fallon County, Plevna, and the North Baker Water District.

Beth Epley- Christmas in the Park committee is meeting next Tuesday November 8th at noon at Compass Coffee. If you like to be a part of this committee, please join us. Beth stated she put in a grant for Mid-Rivers to help sponsor the Christmas in the Park. Snow globe is coming and should be here by the Christmas in the Park. We will only have it up for that night. November 19th we will be decorating the park. Let us know if you as a business will be decorating a tree.

City of Baker- Mayor Steve Zachmann updated us on what the City of Baker has been up to this last month. The Child Abuse Prevention Workshop was put on by the city and was a very informative training. Baseball Score Board will be delivered in March 2023. City received the minimum allocation ARPA grant. Wyrick Construction was hired to do some street repairs.

Bank of Baker- Shawn Wiseman represented the Bank of Baker and brought up concerns that the Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture was not welcoming the new business in town Junction 39. He believed the Chamber should offer them a free membership until the end of the year as a thank you for opening a business in Baker. Nobody from the Chamber attended the Grand Opening ceremony and somebody from the chamber should have been there to congratulate them for opening a business in Baker. Melissa stated that many of us from the chamber have stopped in to congratulate Junction 39 and will continue to actively support new businesses in this community.  Another business owner that is a Chamber member brought these concerns to Shawn. The SMART meeting was brought up. Shawn stated that he was told that the ladies were told at the SMART meeting if they are not Chamber members, the chamber won’t be at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. The feeling of that the chamber only helps downtown businesses was conveyed. Kassidee spoke up and said Melissa does Business Spot Lights on Facebook to showcase all chamber members and tries to include everyone. Shyla stated that she was glad Shawn came to us we can not fix what we don’t know about. Karol stated she would talk to the ladies and let them know that was not her intent to come off that way and she would let them know.

Fallon County- Fallon County got their ARPA grant money and the Fairgrounds is still looking for a fairgrounds manager.

O’Fallon Historical Museum- Melissa Rost reported that the Night at the Museum was a hit and the Trick or Treater had a lot of fun going through the old jail where some tricks was set out. Christmas at the Museum is coming up in December. Every Sunday afternoon come to the museum for treats in the month of December. Awning is going up with the Tourism Grant project.

FMC- Karol Zachmann stated the Holiday Bazaar is coming up on November 20th 2022. She said Thank You’s to people in the meeting around the table to convey we need to be more thankful and positive about things. She apologized if the ladies at the SMART meeting took what she said wrong she said that she was only trying to ask if they were chamber members or not, the chamber can do a lot for you if you were chamber members. She said she will talk to them.

EPEDC- Beth Epley

Christmas in the Park committee is meeting next Tuesday November 8th at noon at Compass Coffee. If you like to be a part of this committee, please join us.

Adjournment: James made a motion to adjourn at 12:48pm and Staci 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.


**Next Meeting Thursday December 1st, 2022 at 5:15pm at the OS Brew Pub**



